- The Winter Southern Sky (Check the study guide for this lesson)
In this lesson I will teach you the remaining stars and constellations that can be seen from the Northern Hemisphere - PISCIS AUSTRALIS, Southern Fish, GRUS, the Crane, CETUS, the Sea Monster, ERIDANUS, the (wandering) River, LEPUS, the Hare and a few others . Some of these are so low on the southern horizon that you might not be able to see them all. That's a good introduction to our next lesson! Along the way I'll introduce you to Mira - a variable star that is a real treat for amateur astronomers.
- The Extreme Southern Celestial Hemisphere (Check the study guide for this lesson)
In this lesson we take the big plunge south and show you some sights you cannot see from North America or Europe. However, you should be aware of some of these most important sights because the "wonder down under" includes our nearest neighbor (Alpha Centauri), nearest galaxies (Magellanic Clouds) and many other interesting objects. It would be wrong NOT to give you a small tour of these things. Learn where to find ARGO NAVIS, the Argo Ship, CARINA, the Keel, VELA, the Sails, PUPPIS, the Deck, MALUS, the Mast, PYXIS, the Compass, ANTLIA, the Pump, PICTOR, the Painter, CRUX AUSTRALIS, the Southern Cross, CENTAURUS, the Centaur, and many others!
- The Expanding Universe (Check the study guide for this lesson)
All the galaxies outside our Local Group are moving away from us! That might seem odd but it's true and an important clue to the topic of our last lesson, so be sure you understand this one before going further. In this
lesson I will teach you about Hubble's constant and return to the subject of quasars.
- Cosmology (Check the study guide for this lesson)
Modern day astronomy allows us to collect data and analyze it in such a way as to give us a pretty good idea of where the universe came from and where it is going. This exciting field is sure to excite you and leave you feeling that there is more to your hobby than just staring at stars! What a great way to end our course!