Your Objects List
Principles of Astronomy
by Dr Jamie Love
© 1997 - 2011
- 61 Cygni
- Adhara
- Al Dhanab
- Alberio
- Alcor
- Aldebaran
- Alderamin
- Algenib
- Algol
- Algol, Beta Persei
- Alhena
- Alioth
- Alkaid
- Almaak
- Almaaz
- Alnair
- Alnath
- Alnath
- Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Centauri A
- Alpha Centauri B
- Alpha Centauri C, Proxima Centauri
- Alpha Pictoris
- alpha-PISCES
- Alphard
- Alphekka, Gemma
- Alpheratz
- Alpheratz
- Alpine Valley
- Altai Scarp
- Alwaid
- Andromeda Galaxy, M31
- Ankaa
- Antares
- ANTLIA, the Pump
- Apennines Mountains
- AQUILA, the Eagle,
- Arago
- Archernar,
- Archimedes
- Arcturus
- ARGO NAVIS, the Argo Ship
- ARIES, the Ram
- Aristarchus
- Aristillus
- Aristoteles
- Arneb
- Atlas
- AURIGA, the Charioteer
- aurora
- Autolycus
- Barnard's Star
- Bay of Dews
- Bay of Heats
- Bellatrix
- Beta Centauri
- Beta Pictoris
- Betelgeuse
- Blaze Star, T Corona
- Bond
- BÖÖTES, the Herdsman
- CANCER, the Crab
- CANIS MAJOR, the Big Dog
- CANIS MINOR, the Little Dog
- Canopus
- Capella
- CAPRICORNUS, the Seagoat
- CARINA, the Keel
- Carpathians Mountains
- Castor
- Castor A & Castor B
- Catharina
- CENTAURUS, the Centaur
- CEPHEUS, the King
- Cerus
- Chaph
- Chi Cygni
- Circlet of PISCES
- Clavius
- Clouds of Magellan, Magellanic Clouds
- COLUMBA, the Dove (COLUMBA NOAE, Noah's Dove)
- Comet Brooks 2
- Comet Hyakutake
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
- Comet Swift-Tuttle
- Copernicus
- CORONA BOREALIS, The Northern Crown
- CORVUS, the Crow
- Crab Nebula
- CRATER, the Cup
- Crescent Moon
- CRUX AUSTRALIS, the Southern Cross
- Cursa (Kursa)
- Cygnus X-1
- CYGNUS, the swan
- Cyrillus
- DELPHINUS, the Dolphin
- delta-Cephei
- Delta-Eridani
- Deneb
- Diphda
- DORADO, the Swordfish
- DRACO, the Dragon
- Dubhe
- Earth (?)
- Eltamin
- Encke's Comet
- Endymion
- Epsilon-Eridani
- Eratosthenes
- ERIDANUS, (wandering) River
- Eta Cygni,
- Eudoxus
- First Point of Aries
- First Point of Pisces
- First Quarter Moon
- Fomalhaut,
- Full Moon
- Galilean satellites
- Gamma Pictoris
- Gamma Tauri
- GEMINI, the Twins
- Gibbous Moon (Waxing Moon)
- globular clusters, M3, M13
- Great Summer Triangle
- Grimaldi
- GRUS, the Crane
- Haemus Mountains
- Halley's Comet
- Hassaleh
- Hyades
- HYDRA, the Water Snake
- HYDRUS, the Little Snake
- Julius Caesar
- Jupiter
- Kepler
- Kuiper Belt
- Lambda Tauri
- Langrenus
- Large Cloud
- Large Magellanic Cloud, LMC
- Last Quarter Moon
- LEO, the Lion
- LEPUS,the Hare
- Lexell's Comet
- LIBRA, the Scales, the Balance
- LUPUS, the Wolf
- LYRA, the Harp
- M Coronae
- M110 (NGC203)
- M13
- M2, globular cluster
- M31 Andromeda Galaxy
- M32
- M82
- M87
- Maffei 1
- MALUS, the Mast
- Manilius
- Mare Australe
- Mare Crisium
- Mare Fecunditatis
- Mare Foecunditatis
- Mare Frigoris
- Mare Humorum
- Mare Imbrium
- Mare Nectaris
- Mare Nubium
- Mare Serenitatis
- Mare Tranquillitatis
- Mare Vaporum
- Markab
- Mars
- Megrez
- Menkar
- Menkarlina
- Merak
- Milky Way Galaxy, the Galaxy
- Mira
- Mirach
- Mirphak
- Mizar
- Mizar & Alcor, Mizar/Alcor pair
- Mount Blanc
- MUSCA, the Fly
- New Moon
- Nihal
- northern lights, aurora borealis
- Nova Aquilae 1999#2
- Ocean of Storms
- Oceanus Procellarum
- Old Moon
- Oort Cloud
- OPHIUCHUS, Aesculapius
- Orion Nebula, in ORION, M42
- ORION, the Hunter
- Pallas
- Pegasus 51, Peg 51
- PEGASUS, the Winged Horse
- Perseids meteor showers
- Phad
- Phaet
- PHOENIX, the mythical bird
- Piccolomi
- PICTOR, the Painter
- PISCES, the Fishes
- PISCIS AUSTRALIS, the Southern Fish
- Plato
- Pleiades, in TAURUS, M45
- Pleiades, the Seven Sisters
- Plinius
- Polaris (North Star)
- Pollux
- Praesepe, in CANCER, M44
- precession circle
- Proclus
- Procyon
- Ptolemaeus
- PUPPIS, the Deck
- Pyrenees Mountains
- Pythagoras
- PYXIS, the Compass
- R Coronae
- Rana
- Rasalgethi, alpha-HERCULES
- Rasalhague, alpha-OPHIUCUS
- Regulus
- Rigel
- Ring Nebula, in LYRA, M57
- Sadar
- SAGITTA, the Arrow
- Sagittarius A *
- Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
- SAGITTARIUS, the Archer (Teapot)
- Saiph
- Saturn
- Saturn's rings
- Scheat
- SCORPIUS, the Scorpion
- Sea of Clouds
- Sea of Cold
- Sea of Crises
- Sea of Fertility
- Sea of Humors
- Sea of Nectar
- Sea of Serenity
- Sea of Showers
- Sea of the South
- Sea of Tranquillity
- Sea of Vapors
- SERPENS CAPUT, the Serpent's Head
- SERPENS CAUDA, the Serpent's Body
- SEXTANS, the Sexant
- Sheliak
- Sinus Aestuum
- Sinus Roris
- Sirius A & Sirius B
- Sirius, the Dog Star
- Small Cloud
- Small Magellanic Cloud, SMC
- southern lights, aurora australis
- Spica
- Square of Pegasus
- Sulaphat
- supernova 1987A, Sanduleak
- TAURUS, the Bull,
- Tejat
- TELESCOPIUM, the Telescope
- the Alps
- The Big Dipper
- Theophilus
- TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE, the Southern Triangle
- Triangulum Spiral (pinwheel)
- TUCANA, the Toucan
- Tunguska event
- Tycho
- URSA MAJOR, the Big Bear
- URSA MINOR, The Little Bear
- Vega
- VELA, the Sails
- Venus
- Vesta
- VIRGO, the Virgin
- Walter
- Waning Moon
- Zaurak
- Zubenelchemale
- Zubenelgenubi

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However, Dr Love allows this page to be printed out (a hard copy made) for use by the student(s) taking the course Principles of Astronomy.
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