Your Glossary
Principles of Astronomy
by Dr Jamie Love
© 1997 - 2011
- absolute index of refraction
- absolute magnitude (brightness)
- absorption spectrum
- accretion disk
- accretion process
- active galaxy, active galactic nucleus, AGN
- Age of Great Bombardment
- aging star
- Almagest
- altitude
- Amor asteroid
- angstrom
- angular momentum
- annual parallax
- annular eclipse
- Antarctic Circle
- aphelion
- apogee
- Apollo asteroid
- Arctic Circle
- asteriod, minor planet
- Asteroid Belt
- astrometry
- astronomical unit (AU)
- Aten asteroid
- auroral ovals
- Autum(nal) Equinox, Fall Equinox
- averted vision
- axial inclination
- azimuth
- background radiation
- Baily's Beads
- barred spiral galaxies (SB)
- barycenter
- basalt
- Big Bang Theory
- Big Crunch
- binary stars, binary star systems)
- binocular parallax
- binoculars
- BL Lacertae galaxies
- black dwarf
- black hole
- blue giant
- blue shifted
- bow shock
- breccia
- bremsstrahlung radiation
- c = 299,792,458 meters per second
- Cassegrain reflector
- catadrioptic
- cation
- celestial coordinates
- Celestial Equator
- Celestial Hemisphere
- Celestial Sphere
- centripetal force
- Cepheid variables
- Chandrasekar's limit
- chromatic aberration
- chromosphere
- circumpolar
- clefts
- collision hypothesis
- cones
- conjunction
- convection zone
- converging lenses
- convex
- corona
- coronal mass ejections
- COsmic Background Explorer (COBE) Project, satellite
- cosmology
- crater
- craters
- critical density, Omegam
- C-type asteroid
- cusp
- dark nebula
- declination
- degenerate electron pressure
- degenerate iron
- degenerate matter
- degenerate neutron pressure
- density waves
- deuteron
- direct motion
- dirty snowball
- disk galaxies
- Doppler effect
- double convex
- Draconic month
- dust tail
- E = mc2
- Earth's mantle / Earth's core
- Earthshine
- eccentricity
- eclipse
- eclipsing binary
- ecliptic & inclination
- ecliptic, ecliptic plane
- Eddington limit
- electron degenerate
- ellipse
- elliptical galaxies (E)
- elongation
- emission planetary nebula
- emission spectrum
- emitted light
- emitting nebula
- envelope
- epicycles
- equatorial
- Equinox
- event horizon
- explosive prominence
- extrasolar planets
- eyepiece (lens)
- far side (star side)
- fault
- First Point, RA 0h
- focal length
- focal point
- focal ratio
- focus, foci
- fovea
- Fraunhofer lines
- free fall
- fusion
- galactic cannibalism
- galactic plane
- galaxy
- galaxy clusters
- gamma ray
- gas-ion tail
- geocentric
- giants
- globular star clusters
- gravitational instability
- gravity
- Greenwich, England
- hand lens, magnifying glass
- heat energy
- heliopause
- helium
- helium flash
- helium shell flashes
- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, H-R Diagram
- high tide
- highlands
- Hubble's constant
- hydrogen
- ilmenite
- imaginary image
- incident ray
- inferior conjunction
- inferior planets
- infrared waves, infrared
- interstellar dust
- interstellar hydrogen, 21.1 centimeters in wavelength
- inverse square law
- ionized
- iron fusion
- irregular galaxies (Irr I and Irr II)
- isotopic signature
- jets
- Kepler's first law
- Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
- Kepler's second law
- Kepler's third law
- Kerr black hole
- kinetic energy
- Kirkwood gaps
- land tides
- latitude
- lava flows
- light-year
- long period comets
- longest day
- longitude
- long-term variable star
- low tide
- Lsun
- luminosity
- lunar eclipse
- Lunar Transient Phenomena, LTP
- lunation
- M number
- magnetic axis
- magnetic field
- magnetopause
- magnetosheath
- magnetosphere
- magnetotail
- magnification
- magnitude
- Main Sequence
- major axis
- mara
- maria
- mass
- mass transfer
- Maunder Minimum
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- measurements
- medium
- meridian
- Messier object
- meteor
- meteor shower
- meteorite
- meteoroid
- MeVs
- microflares
- micrometeorite
- milky circle, galaxias kuklo
- mini black holes
- minor axis
- minute of arc, arc minute
- Moon
- motion, relative motion
- M-type asteroid
- multiple stars, multiple star systems
- nadir
- neap tides
- near side (Earth side)
- nebula
- neutrino
- neutron star
- Newtonian reflector
- nodes
- nova
- nuclear fusion
- nucleus
- objective (lens)
- occultation
- olivine
- open star clusters
- opposition
- optical devices
- optical double
- optics
- orbit
- orbital inclination
- orbital velocity
- Oscillating Universe Theory
- panspermia
- parallax
- parsec
- partial eclipse
- particle cosmology
- peak energy
- penumbra
- perigee
- perihelion
- perturbation, wobble
- phases of moon
- photon
- photosphere
- plagioclase feldspar
- planetary nebula
- planetary orbits
- plasma
- Population I stars
- Population II stars
- position angle, PA
- positron
- precession, precess
- primary focus
- primary star
- prism
- prominences
- protogalaxy cloud
- proton
- protoplanetary nebula
- protoplanets, ProtoEarth, ProtoSun
- protostar
- Ptolemaic universe
- pulsar, "Little Green Men"
- pulsating M-type supergiant
- pyroxene
- quadrature
- quantum cosmology, Planck epoch
- quasars
- quiescent prominence
- RA & declination
- radial motion
- radiant
- radiation
- radiative zone
- radio galaxies
- radio wavelengths, radiowaves
- random walk
- rays
- real image
- red dwarf
- red giant
- red shift
- red shift and the universe expanding
- reflected light
- reflecting nebula
- reflector (telescope)
- refracted ray
- refraction
- refractive index
- refractor (telescope)
- regolith
- relative magnitude (brightness)
- relativistic effects
- retina
- retrograde motion
- right ascension (RA)
- rilles
- Ripples of the Big Bang
- rock dating
- rods
- rotational axis
- Sa, Sb, Sc
- Saros cycle
- Saros series
- satellite
- Schmidt-Cassegrain
- Schwartzchild radius
- scientific notation
- seasons
- second of arc, arc second
- secondary star
- separation
- sextant
- Seyfert galaxies
- shadow bands
- short period comets
- shortest day
- sidereal period
- single convex
- singularity
- (Snell's law)
- SNC meteorites, Sherrgotty India, Nakhla Egypt, Chassigny France
- solar conjunction
- solar cycle
- solar eclipse
- solar elongation
- solar flares
- solar mass
- solar storm
- solar wind
- Solstice
- spectroscopy
- spectrum
- spiral galaxies (S)
- spotting scope, monocular
- Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox
- spring tides
- spy glass (terrestrial telescope)
- standard candle
- standard cosmology
- Standard Cosmology Model
- star clusters
- star color, star types, classes and subclasses
- star nursery
- starburst galaxy
- Steady-State Theory
- stellar evolution
- S-type asteroid
- Summer Solstice
- Sun's apparent path
- sunspots
- supergiant
- superior conjunction
- superior planets
- superluminal
- supernova
- supernova Type I
- supernova Type II
- surface temperatures
- symbol "Z"
- synchronous rotation
- synchrotron radiation
- synodic period
- T Tauri
- tangential velocity
- tektite
- terminator
- terraced
- the Local Group
- The Sun's photosphere will …
- tidal bridge
- tides
- time zones
- total eclipse
- total internal reflection
- total luminosity
- totality
- transmutation
- transverse motion (proper motion)
- triple alpha process
- Trojan asteroid
- ultraviolet, UV
- umbra
- Universal Time, UT
- Van Allen zones, Van Allen belts
- Vernal Equinox, Spring Equinox
- virtual image
- W Virginis variables
- walled plains
- wavelength
- white dwarf
- (Wien's displacement law)
- Winter Solstice
- X-rays
- zenith
- Zenith Hourly Rate, ZHR
- Zero Age Main Sequence, ZAMS stars
- Zodiac

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However, Dr Love allows this page to be printed out (a hard copy made) for use by the student(s) taking the course Principles of Astronomy.
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