My team is a network of experts that I can call upon as necessary, but I'm the guy that helps small biotechs come alive, survive and thrive.
Born in the USA, I moved to Scotland in 1990 to do a post-doc. I saw commercial potential in my research so, over the next two years in my spare time, I earned an MBA and wrote business plans, but, sadly, it never go off the ground. If only I had known then, what I know now!
About a month after the university awarded me a permanent post, my British wife was offered an exciting job at a start-up near San Francisco! I resigned from the university and returned to the States where I discovered that my MBA and PhD carried a lot of clout.
During my eight years in the Bay Area, I held senior posts in three biotech companies in Business & Corporate Development and Marketing while gaining increasing responsibilities in Intellectual Property Management.
I worked with world class biotech patent lawyers to submit our patent applications to the USPTO, respond to Office Actions and represent our company during infringement proceedings.
I discovered that the Descriptions in patent applications are a rich source of technical and competitive information that can help a company's research and strategy.
I also learned the "legalese of claims" - how to write them and rewrite them to avoid Prior Art while maintaining the broadest coverage, and how to argue with Examiners that our claims were unique and not obvious. I gained enough knowledge about the process that I submitted a patent application "pro se" (without a layer, as a co-inventor) and studied to become a USPTO certified patent agent.
A large patent law firm hired me to conduct Prior Art searches and write opinions on patentability for WIPO applications (outsourced from the USPTO).