Welcome to Science Explained
On these pages you can learn about the exciting things going on in the world of science. Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of nature and the universe will find this website useful.

I'm Dr Jamie Love. (Yes, I'm really
called "Dr Love", so stop laughing!) I have a PhD in
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. I also have many
years of experience teaching a wide variety of science subjects, from Astronomy to Zoology, to a wide variety of students, from teenagers to medical students.
I created Science Explained to address the needs of those who want a deeper understanding of the world of science. Here I've posted "science features" which highlight a specific topic in the news. I assume no prior knowledge so no one will be left behind. After reading each feature you should have a deep enough understanding of the science and technology that you should be able to intelligently discuss the research, sometimes even the specifics of the research paper itself!

Now - On with the Science!
Choose a hyperlink to go to the science feature.
- The discovery of water on the Moon could launch our civilization into space! Learn why Moon water could be our ticket to the solar system!.
- How was water on the Moon discovered? Learn about NASA's "water detector", Lunar Prospector, and how it could detect water ithout landing on the Moon.
- Flu viruses are "cheaters" in the evolution game because they use lots of genetic "tricks" like recombinant genetics. Here you'll learn about them with a focus on the flu virus genetics, reproduction, structure and immunology.
- Folks eager to learn about swine or avian (chicken) flu and epidemics can go immediately to that page.
- The cloning of Dolly the sheep can be used to illustrate important concepts in cell biology and developmental biology. You know the hype, now learn the science behind Dolly's origin.
- In a follow up, I have written about the life and death of Dolly which answers questions from readers and sets many rumors to rest.
- The Montserrat volcano is a typical volcano and thus a fine example from which we can learn about this important process in
geology. A reader wrote to the editor of Science Explained asking about the source of all the heat. Learn about the origin of volcanoes from the answers.
- The evidence for "Martian fossils" is a story of
chemistry and chemical analysis. Here's the evidence explained
for you to understand and evaluate.
- The "Night Skies" for each month and Astronomy Lessons are available at Science Explained's Astronomy Page.